British road-safety adverts are more shocking than those broadcast in America, says AnneMcCartt of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, an independent research group there.The British penchant for horror might reflect the nation's long tradition of public-servicebroadcasting, which seeks to entertain and inform at once. But do the ads work?
Though gory, shocking public-information films linger in people's heads, they seem not to alterbehaviour much. If the consequences seem too extreme, the threat may seem too far-fetched,says Josh Bullmore, who has both made and studied such adverts. Few may believe thatdisaster could befall them or adjust their behaviour accordingly. Tessa Langley of the Universityof Nottingham has compared the impact of smoking campaigns that showed tumours eruptingdisgustingly out of cigarettes with more positive ones that also urged people to quit. Theformer proved more memorable, but the latter led more people to ring the national smokinghelpline.
The budget for public-information films is shrinking. The Central Office of Information, thegovernment's marketing department, was closed in 2011. In 2008-09 the Department forTransport (DfT) spent almost £3m on its drink-drive advertising campaign. In 2013-14spending fell to less than £1m. Unable to afford as many spots on television, thescaremongers hope their films will be shared on social media. And that is encouraging them tochurn out the gory kind. In a recent advert from the DfT, men washing their hands in a pubtoilet are startled by the face of a mannequin smashing bloodily through the mirror. The adsuggests a hashtag, publooshocker, for online sharing. Less shocking adverts might workbetter, but fewer people would see them.