


【新祥旭考研】 / 2015-11-06


  GONE are the days when multinationals could bookbribes paid in far-flung countries as a tax-deductibleexpense. These days would-be palm-greasers have to contend with ever-tougher enforcementof old laws, such as America's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, and a raft of new ones incountries from Britain to Brazil.

  有种日子一去不复返了,想当年,跨国公司可以先行贿,然后在远远找个国家支付以抵扣公司税。 如今,想要伸手的人必须面对依然严峻的原有法令,例如1977年的美国反海外贿赂法,以及从英国到巴西等国家的一大堆新颁法令。

  As policing is stepped up, however, much about the practice of bribery remains murky. TheOECD's first report on the subject, published on December 2nd, sheds some light by analysingmore than 400 international bribery cases that have been brought since the anti-briberyconvention of this group of mostly rich countries came into force in 1999.


  Some findings confirm what was known or suspected. The most bribe riddled sectors are oil,gas, mining, construction and transport. At the other end of the spectrum, financial servicesand retailing are fairly clean. Most bribes go to managers of state-owned companies, followed bycustoms officials. And America leads the enforcement pack, with 128 cases that resulted insanctions (see chart).


  But the report also undermines some common beliefs. Bribery is not a sin of rogue employeesor poor countries. In 53% of cases payments were made or authorised by corporate managers(and in 12% of them by the chief executive). More than 40% of the time, the bribe-takingofficial was in a developed country (though this figure is probably inflated by rich countries'greater willingness to criminalise bribery and co-operate with cross-border investigations).Authorities are often alerted by firms themselves: those that co-operate quickly are oftentreated leniently.


  Nevertheless, the cleanest countries tend to be rich, and the dirtiest poor. Four of the fivebest-performing countries in Transparency International's latest corruption-perceptions index,also published this week, were Nordic. The worst were North Korea and Somalia. (Interestingly,China's score slipped despite a recent high-profile campaign against corrupt officials.)


  The cost of bribery varies by industry. Builders pay a modest average of 4% of a transaction'svalue; extractive companies a hefty 21%. Add to that the rising costs of paying penalties andconducting internal probes—these cost Siemens, for example, $2.4 billion when it was mired ina graft scandal a few years ago—and bribery starts to look bad not just for reputations, butalso for bottom lines.


  Even for firms that are not caught, the business case for bribery is far from clear. A 2013 studyby Harvard Business School and America's National Bureau of Economic Research found thatwhat bribe-paying companies gain in higher sales in corrupt countries, they lose in lower profitmargins. According to the OECD, the average bribe costs 11% of the transaction's value and35% of associated profits.


  Nevertheless, graft remains alive and well. One of the OECD report's authors told aconference this week that 390 cases are under investigation—not far short of the totalnumber resolved since the OECD convention took effect 15 years ago. The number of casesconcluded each year has dipped since a peak in 2011 as the time taken to completeinvestigations and prosecutions has climbed to more than seven years, from under four in2008.


  One possible reason for the slowdown is that bribery techniques are growing moresophisticated and thus harder to detect. Another could be the widespread use of opaquecorporate structures to conceal wrongdoing. These can be devilishly difficult to unpick,especially when they are stacked in several layers and fronted by nominee directors. Anonymousshell companies and other intermediaries—sometimes dressed up as “consultants”—were usedto move or to house payments in more than 70% of cases. The OECD report underlines theimportance of cracking down on the misuse of shell companies and enforcing more clarity overownership of companies and trusts, whether through accessible corporate registers—amove being pushed by some G20 countries, led by Britain—or by tougher regulation of serviceproviders that do the paperwork for new firms.



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