Going for Gold
Ecuadorians "live poorly amid incomparableriches",Alexander von Humboldt said to have notedon his 19th century adventures. Fresh into his thirdpresidential term,Rafael Correa is aiming at last tounlock Ecuador's underground wealth ofgold,silver,copper and other metals.
A comprehensive mining reform in 2009 wrapped companies in red tape and clobbered themwith taxes. The government touted its mining regime as the most lucrative for the stateanywhere in the world.
Investors took note and went elsewhere. With February's presidential election out of the way,Mr. Correa has changed course. The new law imposes an 8% ceiling on previously open-endedroyalties, and streamlines the permits required. Companies won't pay windfall taxes until theyhave recouped their investments.
The push to woo foreign investors is overdue. In 2012 Ecuador received less foreign directinvestment per person than any other country in Latin America,according to the UN. In AprilMr. Correa announced that he wanted Ecuador to join a free-trade agreement with theEuropean Union that Colombia and Peru have already signed, combined with an investment-guarantee treaty. The government has also indicated that it is planning to return to theinternational debt market,five years after it defaulted on $3.2 billion of sovereign bonds.
The new-found pragmatism irks some in the cabinet. Left-wingers such as Fander Falconi,theplanning minister,would prefer Ecuador to join Mercosur, a customs union of more statistcountries. Environmentalists and indigenous groups worry that the more liberal miningregime will lead to overdevelopment and pollution (the new law prohibits the use of mercury,but not cyanide).